Thursday, June 9, 2011

Zookeepers Help Animals Beat the Heat

CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE--In this extreme heat, people aren't the only ones trying to cope. Workers at the Cape May County Zoo are doing their best to keep the animals comfortable

The fans are blowing, the sprinklers are spraying, and workers at the Cape May County Zoo are doing all they can to help keep the animals cool.

"We take all the necessary precautions to make sure our animals here are comfortable," said Lenora Boninfante, the communications director for the county.

"We're making ice bottles, making even ice cubes that we'll put in some of the areas," said Janeen Moore, one of the keepers at the zoo. Zoo officials say in these types of temperatures, they need to pay more attention the animals and their needs, especially the ones that don't come from warm climates, like the snow leopards and the snowy owl. Even the bald eagles are feeling the heat. "When they have their beaks open and they're panting a little bit, they're just cooling off their body temperatures," explained Moore, " because they don't sweat."

A big factor in keeping cool is staying in shady areas, something there's no shortage of at the zoo, helping both the animals and visitors beat the heat. "It does feel good," said visitor Christina Paciolla, strolling through the park, "there's a nice breeze."

While zookeepers do their best to make sure all the animals are OK in this weather, there are some they don't have to worry about too much, mainly those in the African Savannah exhibit, which are actually accustomed to dealing with these temperatures. "Our zebras are there and they enjoy the heat," explained Boninfante, "our giraffes, beautiful giraffes, they are there and they do enjoy the heat."

So whether you enjoy the heat or not, the free admission to the zoo does make it one cool trip.

Officials remind everyone to be sure to keep their pets safe and comfortable, too.
In these extreme temperatures, it's very important to make sure they are hydrated and have access to cool shelter.

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