Sunday, November 27, 2011

Avalon Gets Environmental Award

The Cape May County Chamber of Commerce presented Avalon with the 19th annual Environmental Conservation Award on Oct. 20 for many innovative initiatives enacted over the past 12 months.

“Avalon is honored to receive this prestigious award from the Cape May County Chamber of Commerce,” Avalon Mayor Martin Pagliughi said in accepting the award on behalf of the borough during the chamber’s annual dinner meeting. “In Avalon, proactive environmental initiatives are a way of life. I want to thank the Avalon Environmental Commission, Avalon Green Team, the Avalon Garden Club and other community volunteers and organizations who support the borough’s continued environmental leadership.”
In the past year, the Green Team initiated a major water conservation experiment on three traffic islands on Dune Drive and also held a very successful Green Fair on Oct. 8 that attracted more than 1,500 people. The team also began the process of exploring energy alternatives, including the potential for a solar-energy project involving the borough and Avalon Elementary School.

The Environmental Commission has been instrumental with major progress involving the borough’s Dune Vegetation Management Plan, along with environmental improvements planned for Armacost Park. The Avalon Garden Club continued its major beautification efforts in the community.

This past summer, Avalon installed New Jersey’s first municipal electric-vehicle charging station in front of the Avalon Public Safety Complex on Dune Drive. The borough also installed protective turtle fencing along the north and south sides of Avalon Boulevard.
“We appreciate this recognition from the Cape May County Chamber of Commerce,” said Jim Collins, chairman of Avalon’s all-volunteer Green Team. “Thanks to the leadership of mayor and council, we are able to consider and implement many new environmental initiatives in the borough. Avalon has a deep and vested interest in exploring new environmental initiatives that conserve resources and save money.”

As reported in the November and December Holiday issue of Seven Mile Times


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