Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Conversation with Police Chief Paul Reynolds

by Fran Burns

The ROA wants to give valuable and meaningful information to our members. Stone Harbor Police Chief Paul Reynolds was enthusiastic in accepting an invitation to meet with the Trustees, so that he could debrief us on some important safety matters. He attended the December 10, 2011 ROA Trustee meeting. Chief Reynolds summarized the services that are provided by the Police Department.

- Residential and commercial property checks.
- Nightly heater light property checks.
- Active database of local emergency contact information.
- Knox Box system control for properties with alarm systems.
- Bicycle registration database.
- Senior call-in program to check the well being of seniors who reside alone.

If you are interested in having your property checked, you can complete a “Request for Property Check” form or contact the Stone Harbor Police Department at 609-368-2111. The bicycle registration form is available at the department and also online at www.stone-harbor.nj.us/police.asp.

Other downloadable forms and Knox box information are available on the borough’s website www.stone-harbor.nj.us/online.asp

Chief Reynolds talked about ways to protect your residence while you are away.

- Ensure that all locks for your doors and windows are in good working order.
- Use a timer for your lights.
- Place a hold on newspapers and mail delivery.
- Close drapes or blinds so that electronic equipment isn’t visible.
- If possible, have someone you trust check your residence while you are away.
- Provide the Police department with a local emergency contact who can be reached in your absence.

The Chief gave examples of burglary prevention while you are home. Many cases involve a criminal going from house to house looking for unlocked doors or windows.

- Keep all doors and windows locked. This includes your garage, where people have entered in order to steal beer or take things out of cars.
- Lock car doors.
- Never allow someone you don’t know into your home. If someone needs assistance, offer to call the Police for them while they wait outside.
- Keep valuable items out of sight of passers-by.
- Keep a list of your valuables, including serial numbers and unique characteristics.
- Report anything suspicious.

You can contact the Police Department at their non-emergency number 609-368-2111 or via email at shpd@police.stone-harbor.nj.us

The Trustees thank Chief Reynolds for joining us. It is clear that he is dedicated to keeping our town safe for residents and visitors alike.



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